SUCCESS STORIES2017-10-18T19:48:22+00:00

I get the opportunity to change peoples lives everyday and help them regain ownership of their life so that they can work because they want to and not because they have to. These are a few success stories.

Don Morton | Financial Planning/ Professional Business Builder

“I met Taylor when he was 21 years old. He was already a successful business owner and was excelling in whatever he had his hands on. I knew I had to be part of his adventure. Throughout the years, I’ve watched him lead and build up groups of people towards fun, freedom, and fulfillment. His love and passion for helping people is not found just anywhere. He’s remained humble through the process, and has changed many lives with his ability to relate, enhance, and innovate. He is someone I respect and look forward to working with as the future unfolds.”

Lorenzo RoybalCO-Founder of The RAT Pack & IMD with WorldVentures

“I met Taylor when I was 19 years old as a Freshman at UNC. I had just recently started my network marketing business, and one of my friends at UNC was very adamant about me contacting Taylor Holland to show him what we were doing. Apparently he was one of the sharpest people that she knew… and she was right.

I met Taylor not long after, and he was one of the first people to really catch our vision and where we wanted to go. He really wanted to demolish the status quo, and that’s exactly what we did in the years to follow.

Taylor is one of the most articulate, and intelligent people I have ever met. The day Taylor partnered up with us, the landscape of our business changed big time. He made an immediate impact through his knowledge, vision, and drive to really build something big.

When we started The RAT Pack (Retired at Twenty) organization, Taylor played a massive role in the development of not only our day to day building strategies, but equally as much on the back end with our websites, app development, and social media. He is a master with those aspects of the business.

Our organization has impacted hundreds of thousands of people across the globe, and none of that would have been possible without the expertise, passion, and commitment that Taylor brought to the table. He was really a game changer, and an “X” factor, for our team and company. And all the while, is the ultimate professional.”

David M. TownsendSpeaker and Co-Founder of International Entrepreneurship Organization

I’m convinced Taylor has one of the sharpest business minds within our entire generation. His passion to educate people on the subject of entrepreneurship and business has not only inspired me but it has impacted thousands of young adults. Our organization today would not be what it is without the direct impact of Taylor Holland.

Jamie YoungEntrepreneur

“Like a watchmaker Taylor Holland sees how are the gears of life must spin together to maximize our time and experiences. To do this, he has mastered the rare ability to pay close attention to detail while maintaining vision beyond our years of thinking.”

Carla OrtegaStudent/Entrepreneur

“Taylor’s ability to relate and innovate is unmatched. He is wise beyond his years because has intentionally taken every moment as a growing experience. The root of his success comes from the priority that personal development takes place in his life. He is one of the few who knows the importance of bettering yourself in order to help others. He also knows the value of time and is diligent about using it wisely. He’s a mentor to many and being as young as he is, he can still recognize where you are coming from. All while painting a vision for you of where you can go with a heart for what you do.”

Kody Wilson | Meteorologist/Entrepreneur

“I met Taylor many years ago while we were in our undergraduate programs at the University of Northern Colorado. In the time I’ve gotten to know Taylor, I quickly learned that this was a man I needed to gravitate towards. Extremely successful in business at a young age, Taylor inspired me to become an entrepreneur.
In our 7+ years of friendship, we’ve become very close personally, and collaborate together professionally. I dare say he is one of my best friends today. Taylor pushes me constantly to become a better version of myself. A blessing that’s difficult to describe, and very rewarding in nature.
Taylor, thank you for being you, for your mentorship, inspiration, and most of all, your friendship.”

Ryan & Hannah Rosenfelder | CO-Founders of RPD Global

“We have had the privilege of knowing Taylor Holland for the a little over 4 years. The business and success knowledge he shares with us continually opens our eyes to new ways of thinking. He is someone to always be there when you need him and to help you refocus and steer you in the right direction of success.”

Jade & Jenny KirklandOwner of Legacy4, Inc. & Homemaker

“Taylor Holland made such an impression the first time he mentored us with our growing business. When he speaks we listen. He has so much intention behind every word and is one of the sharpest young men we know. His willingness to help has brought so much value to our company. When faced with difficult situations he has a gift of adapting and overcoming the obstacle. What a blessing it is to have a front row seat to watch his success as he rises.”

Luis Ortega & Nora LopezRestaurant Owners/Entrepreneurs

“Taylor has enhanced our lives with his knowledge of consumer behavior and business. He is so poised for being the young man that he is. His mentorship is truly one of a kind to those in any generation. His ability to communicate professionally is unlike any we’ve seen. His unbiased opinions have helped us make a lot of great decisions in our businesses. We are so grateful to have come across such an intelligent young man with a vision bigger than most. He’s a perfect example of where passion with a lot of hard work can get you. We believe Taylor’s success comes from the intention he has to help people live the life God intended them to.
Taylor, you’re family. We have your back, always.”

Manuel & Nora VillafuerteRestaurant Owners

Taylor has become such an important part of our lives over the past 2 years. He is a wonderful mentor, leader, entrepreneur but most importantly he is an amazing friend. His professionalism and experience have opened our eyes in so many ways.  He has taught us so much, so many things that have bettered our lives and our business. He has one of the most incredible work ethics we have ever seen and his amazing family values have made us very grateful to have him in our lives and to have met him. Taylor always knows the right words to say, he is someone who will listen and somehow always manages to have solutions to any problems or issues that may arise.  One of his greatest qualities is his patience. He has the ability to captivate any audience that hears him speak. He is truly an amazing person. Thank you for all that you do for our family!